This is definitely garden week. First, a few pictures of the transplant activity. These were taken by my son and sent to me. So they did not make it into the last post. Here my daughter is struggling with lettuce. She seems unconcerned.
And more transplanters at work:
Now we have to do the seed stuff. There are some plants I start from seed, namely carrots and radishes. For some reason I have bad luck with transplants. So I seed them. Seeding is not a photogenic activity. I use my trusty Earthways Seeder. Amazingly it has not acquired a name.
This is an amazing contraption. It uses plates, circular disks sort of like a Ferris wheel. It is, in fact, a seed Ferris wheel. The seed is put in a hopper, and takes a ride on the Ferris wheel. When it gets to the right place it is ejected rudely, and falls down a chute. Meanwhile, a plow-shaped thing has cut a furrow. The seed drops into the furrow. A chain dragging along covers the seed. This gadget saves hours of time and backbreaking manual labor. So I did my seeding in 15 minutes, all I had to do was push. There is a caveat: you have to use the right plates for whatever you are planting. And you must adjust the depth of the plow thingie. But it is a wonder.
Next, the greenhouse. I transplanted the tomatoes and zucchini into GH 2.0.
The more I look at GH 2.0 the more I am convinced it is a Good Thing (TM) because it is structurally sound, zero cost (except for the plastic) and while all the greenhouses nailed together around here collapsed this winter, this one stood up. It wasn't covered, you see. It took John about 15 minutes to cover it, and that's what it takes to uncover it. So its snow load is zero. And now John covered it.
The temperature in this thing is amazing. Today was 15C but GH registered 31C. Tropical. Just what you want for the greenhouse crops. At night it falls, but it is (so far) always warmer than the outside, by at least 1C. I will admit it looks a little crude. A lot crude, in fact. But who cares? I don't. Wish I coul get clearer plastic, though.
OK, now the oats have to be sowed. So John took the tiller for a walk.
This is the oat field being tilled. Oats (grains, in fact) require a great many more square meters than veggies. We have to mechanize. Sometimes John looked a little concerned.
Nevertheless the whole thing was done in about 20 minutes. Another amazing contraption. Should you buy one, do buy a rear-tine tiller like this one. Front-tine tillers work, but they will take your teeth out along with the weeds and trash. Tomorrow I will sow my oats, wild or otherwise. Very tame, in fact. Saskatchewan oats. We have another amazing contraption for that. Stay tuned.
Happy New Year!
2 weeks ago
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