Saturday, February 26, 2011

Music Tableau, Episode 4: State of the Tableau

So where are we with this tableau? We finished the organ. What we have now is best shown in a picture:
At the far left is Anton the fiddler. Going counter-clockwise, we have Bertha the bass player. Then comes Heidi the vocalist, with her guitar. Then the organ. Since I have yet to carve the organist, the amazing Skeletor is at the console. Skeletor is a stick figure, barbecue kebab sticks and wire with a notional head; I can bend him into any shape, he is about the size of most of my figures. An artist's mannequin, in fact, if rather crude. Finally on the far right, Andreas the accordionist, whom you have already met. All of these figures need work, but we are down to the details where, as we all know, the Devil resides; so I have put them aside to marinate. In my head, mostly; I have to let the figures sit for a while as I decide what to do with them. And, of course, we need a stand; but that is work for the last.

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