Showing posts with label boring machine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label boring machine. Show all posts

Friday, July 2, 2010

An improvised Auger

Those of us who drill really big holes by hand, 25mm (1") and up, know that a bit brace is really at its limit and an eggbeater drill is totally overwhelmed. If you are doing mortise-and tenon work on outdoor construction, the recommended mortise is something like 50mm (2") for big stuff. I need to do a woodshed; I'd like to timber-frame it. For that, 32mm (11/4") would be OK; but you need a hand-turned auger. Really what you want is a boring machine:
This is a Miller's Falls model, circa 1900. It is a geared contraption; gives you great torque, handles 50mm with ease. Unfortunately they are not made anymore; the collectibles mania (the curse of all us old-tool users) has driven the price up above $500 in most cases. So unless a boring machine drops into my lap, heaven-sent, I will have to do with a handled auger. Sometimes you can find them in antique stores; alas they are (in my experience) broken beyond repair. My only example has a blunted leadscrew. So what to do?

I have an old drill bit, 25mm, picked up somewhere for $1. Unfortunately the pyramid-shaped bit had been cut off by some insensitive person who wanted to use it in a power drill. Good luck with that -- your household drill will stall with an auger bit that large. But, like Tom Lehrer's "Lobachevsky" song goes, "Ha, ha, I hev idea!" I filed the top of the thing square, more or less. Then I stuck it in a tap handle. Metal-cutting taps are augers, after all, but they have squared shanks.
And voila, a hand turned auger real cheap! I need to find a really big tap wrench, but that is much easier to do than to find a big auger. Time for a trip to Mutant Mike's (a tool-rich and, er, eclectic thrift store). I hasten to add that "Mutant Mike's Post-Apocalyptic Junk Store" is my son's description of this valuable storehouse, and I won't identify it for fear of lawsuits.