Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Intro II: Fall and Spring in Alaska

Some places have distinct seasons. Alaska is a bit different. The wags say we have two seasons: winter and construction. However, there is a spring and a fall, in spite of what some people say.

In fall, everything turns yellow, except for the spruces, which are (duh) evergreens, so astoundingly enough they stay green, while the birches and alders turn yellow.

There is, to be sure, a red-leaved tree in the photo, but it's cheating. It is, in fact, a Japanese Maple, and their normal color is red. Even in summer. So the maple hasn't caught up to the fact that fall is here.

Fall is also distinguished by rain. Sometimes, for variety, we get snow instead. Last year we had snow on the ground on October 2 and it didn't go away till spring.

Spring never seems to get here. The picture was taken April 20, 2007, and it is quite typical. You know it's spring when you can see a new color: brown, as in dirt. No snow on the roads.

1 comment:

  1. Faltan más fotos tuyas, pero que bellas todas las otras: lago, casa, pueblo Ruso, niñitos Rusos, etc.
